Feature Analysis: attn_2-27472

Model Generation


Example 1: more usual watch idea and congratulations – for it seems to work!Dorinda Medley is showing
Activations: ("inda" : 7), ("ley" : 8), (" is" : 10), (" showing" : 7)
Example 2: dealing with a cookie addiction! The two don’t really mix!
Michelle is a 23
Activations: (" is" : 9), (" a" : 8)
Example 3: More immediately, I’m just really excited to be learning so much.
Joanna is part
Activations: ("anna" : 6), (" is" : 9)
Example 4: daily life updates while promoting various beauty products and cosmetics.
Christine is an actress and model
Activations: ("ine" : 6), (" is" : 8), (" an" : 8)
Example 5: Jon hesitantly named Adel as his replacement nominee,
Sabrina survived her 6th ev
Activations: (" survived" : 8)
Example 6: we get a feel for what kind of kinks our new friend might have. but, she ran
Activations: (" ran" : 8)
Example 7: investigation continues.
Emma was a sophomore at Ridgefield High School who enjoyed dancing, especially ballet
Activations: ("ma" : 7), (" was" : 8), (" a" : 8)
Example 8: .
All I know was that she got up on Wednesday morning particularly annoyed for no particular reason,
Activations: (" got" : 8)
Example 9: post about the shindig here and about the first time she met Sherry here. Zoe
Activations: (" met" : 8)
Example 10: the door. She takes Chulbul and talks to him. She hugs Chulbul.
Activations: (" takes" : 8), (" talks" : 6), ("s" : 6)
Example 11: ditches in isolated spots has appeared in court.
Joanna Dennehy, 31, of
Activations: ("anna" : 6), ("ne" : 6), ("," : 8)
Example 12: w/c and pedestal wash hand basin with mirror over.Melissa has been doing pretty well
Activations: (" has" : 8), (" been" : 6)
Example 13: you will enjoy and appreciate her too.
Alicia is a Dental Assistant at Richmond Landing
Activations: (" is" : 7), (" a" : 8)
Example 14: over the celebrity media that have remained obsessed with Gisele’s every move since she became Leon
Activations: (" became" : 8)
Example 15: charges against Cooper, and both she and Cooper received threatening phone calls.
“I live on the
Activations: (" and" : 8)
Example 16: kids, daughter Anja, 4 and son Noah, 5 months (yeah, she looks like
Activations: (" looks" : 8), (" like" : 7)
Example 17: six months and by the time she got him back he was pumped full of drugs and could only sit
Activations: (" got" : 8)
Example 18: up further and she pushes you back down. You push back and her hand slips with the disinfect
Activations: (" pushes" : 8)
Example 19: between the vampire and werewolf races. Although she is aligned with the vampires, she falls in
Activations: (" is" : 8), (" aligned" : 6), (" with" : 5)
Example 20: together but, before they do, she takes him to Bill’s office, where the only copy
Activations: (" takes" : 8)

Top_logits: [' herself', ' her', ' she', ' postpartum', ' husband', ' pregnancy', ' pregnant', ' breasts', ' queen', ' feminine']


(Part 1)
ACTIVATING TOKENS: Various names, "is", "a", "an", "in", "on", "with", etc.
PREVIOUS TOKENS: No interesting patterns.

Step 1.
- The activating tokens are mostly parts of sentences describing people, often with names.
- The previous tokens have nothing in common.

Step 2.
- The examples involve sentences describing people, often with names.
- The activating token is often a verb or a linking word in a sentence.

Step 3.
- The activation values are highest for the examples where the token is a verb or a linking word.

Let me think carefully. Did I miss any patterns in the text examples? Are there any more linguistic similarities?
- Yes, I missed one: The activating token is often part of a sentence describing a person, especially a woman.

(Part 2)
SIMILAR TOKENS: "herself", "her", "she".
- The top logits list suggests a focus on pronouns and words related to women.

[EXPLANATION]: Verbs and linking words in sentences describing people, especially women.


Verbs and linking words in sentences describing people, especially women.


● Recall | ● Fuzz | # Distance
Green indicates a correct prediction, red incorrect. For recall, -1 indicates a non-activating example. For fuzzing, -1 indicates an incorrectly marked example.

precious grandchildren. She was the epitome of happiness. Now, during our luncheon conversation, Lo
she didn’t want to speculate whether negative fan response to the possible pairing may have played a role
s expected to play a big role in Avengers 4, her origin movie – set in the 1990s
the love of my life, and she was a very special person to anyone who worked with her or
“Nicole loved that dog. Nicole treated that dog as if it was her baby. Me
She is probably a decade younger, so it would have been Wes Anderson-movie weird if we had
a sympathetic person who learned ASL to communicate with a relative). When Jerry restates it in Dorothy
a company that supplies food to the Dutch. Heather Russell has brought major changes in the field
so well as you, of my daughter’s flight.Craig1916: 28 That
Cookbook author Sandra Lee shares her secrets for stress-free cooking. Sandra Lee (
<|endoftext|>: "I think she was the most successful woman that we will ever know in the history of
<|endoftext|> heart. "What would thy Christ have me to do?" she insisted. "This stranger
for weight gain—and believes this is a reason she was left behind from the Super Bowl—has
<|endoftext|>, I learned why she refuses to sail with him. (She agreed to come this time because
speech impediment and a tottering gait. He and an accomplice broke into a woman’s
<|endoftext|> may prove to make her stronger spiritually (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). What
<|endoftext|> see or hear the candidate. Imagine the Dating Game where the woman asks written questions of her
ke went very smoothly and efficiently, with her being fluent in many languages. We booked two accommodations
area of Chichester and Chapeau. Sarah came from a very large family featured at this
am) he receives a letter from Jonas Collin saying that his wife is on her deathbed
a musical even on a normal week. Cheryl Blossom forcibly claimed the role of “my
accompanied me last fall. While I'm not sure she gets the same goosebumps I do,
she says. Recently Ms. Raitt, 62, spoke about how she chooses songs to record
Irene loved sports and was a good athlete. She especially loved golf, but also downhill and x-
to Mrs. Crandall’s fifth grade class! Fifth grade is an exciting learning year for
<|endoftext|> Jo. Was he going to try and kiss her? She stiffened, not knowing whether
she came here at a young age, from Mexico, and eventually went to law school, became an
ena Dunham criticized Twitter as a harmful place for women to spend their time, explaining why she decided
procession route, said she remembered Riggenbach from his days working in Bayou Vista for the sheriff
Steve Jobs. That is by no means certain. But one thing is for sure – she likes to
<|endoftext|> days, I noticed a woman who comes to the parish every day. I approached her and introduced
. Not only does Robbie write generally on baseball, she’s also a law student, and
Even though she is going to be leaving her job to go on maternity leave at the end of
“Dot” Hinely, 74, died Nov.18. Mrs. Hinely was born
used. The small girl did not complain about the storm, the bed less ground, she did not
<|endoftext|>3. And she must be rubbish if those are her real scores. "We can now
and kind as Caleb didn't deserve a woman whose past was a lie. Caleb Chaney
working on health care in his Administration. She is now the president of the liberal Center for American Progress
<|endoftext|> ballot, yet the state where the spouse is physically located does not. Where is she supposed to
<|endoftext|> of the best cooking books! "Cooking in cast iron" by Valerie Aikman
to dance until the early hours. Miss Post had, along with Marion Herrion, been the
<|endoftext|> like match betting. It meant that in a year in which she got married and also had
isn’t done yet. “I’m told I shouldn’t rest on anything,”
from day one. Thank you for making a difference. Mary Ann Rowland, thank you for
watch the rest of it now. Dan, his wife passed away 2 years ago, I was
feel better, I promise.” For all he knew, she was poisoning him. Suddenly that didn
the food, Mary got up to get out the warm plates. Bett looked over at Kate and
,000 followers, promoting what appeared to be an abusive app. The girl reported it to Be Safe
<|endoftext|>, was released in January 2011. At an early age, Sean found that she loved words
Naomi will rat her out. I suspect this tension between them will continue for a while – Na

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for JATS XML. While a ‘standard,’ JATS has not enjoyed actual standardized practice, because
by NHL scouts." His game began to flourish his second year. He scored 32 goals.
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year of rainfall data Zwiers and Xuebin examined. By 1999, global temperatures had climbed
Higher Education Dynamics) on package course does seen read to the addition on edge. The area on
. Seasonal forests: From the evergreen forests of the frozen North to the deciduous dry forests
ants, Underwriting and Sponsorships Partnering with community businesses Threatening to
ric in the financial and enterprise communities. ASIMS is an Atlas Communications Technology and Smart IMS
processed / unprocessed form) - Fresh foods* - Live animals - Loose precious
tool. And only verb-noun selection. What this tool do is basically move a vertex point
. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details about using your product safely. These products do
atchbox Technologies that permits people to decorate a real room nearly through a photograph of the room and
the prosecution to notify a defendant of any testimony that it will offer at trial regarding previous identifications of
). eUICC is instead a set of capabilities of the SIM card and can be implemented
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on it being "cute" and "putting his little butt in there" when she's
’s son, whom she has left with her grandparents, comes to the village in search of his
s Hospital. She is a continuous supporter and donor to Children’s Miracle Network. Each year
<|endoftext|> writes their own songs, that's why she's my favorite singer, song writer and composer.
want to be.” And she was right! As soon as I arrived at the border city between Thailand
<|endoftext|> and organise many homeschooling events for others." Lesley "Thank you once
is still trying to help me, although, she understands that I am not looking to relocate into
for an Oscar nomination. It features a young woman who works in helpline call office (O
that he wants Olivia to be released. Turns out she was right about Bandar being evil.
special occasion but has forgotten what it is. Ryan Ladina as the Underling reminds her she is
<|endoftext|> was really just now? Thinking of this, She suddenly turned his head and looked at the patient
’t know if she was happy: she may have been. But I do know that I hope
. Our. Books. The woman said, But Im asking you. And Achebe
family has learned to answer Irene in the form of a question and eventually she just yells at them
escape the island, but doesn't want to leave Birdboy behind. As she and her friends (
that she'll forgive the familiarity of first names since I've not met her!) about giving staff time
into Thursday's matchup with 29 wins and 14 shutouts. She is coming off a sterling
plain language:Heathers is being used to indoctrinate students into a cult.”
she gets this real rush. Punit Dhillon: Yeah, and we all hate it
<|endoftext|> brunette, is getting fucked hard in the shower. she is a young hot coed