Feature Analysis: resid_4-30220

Model Generation


Example 1: .
"But he still wanted his daily newspaper, and loved doing the word games up 'til
Activations: (" and" : 10)
Example 2: And you need to come back now?"
"I will. I told you I don't think
Activations: (" And" : 9)
Example 3: a computer. We love Tystarr’s way of thinking, when we ask him why he
Activations: (" why" : 9)
Example 4: love our offense! It is firing on all cylinders. Durant seems so comfortable and in tune with
Activations: (" love" : 9)
Example 5: a Grammy for a wicked soundtrack. And he dated Mandy Moore. And everyone knows that in
Activations: (" And" : 9), (" And" : 7)
Example 6: s on a hit tv show. And he wrote and directed an acclaimed first feature. And he won
Activations: (" And" : 6), (" And" : 8)
Example 7: <|endoftext|> and do little tiny chirps. If he is distressed about something - if I were for example
Activations: (" about" : 6), (" if" : 8), (" I" : 6)
Example 8: problems, and we have a great relationship with him.
Billy is now a weekly boarder
Activations: ("," : 7), (" and" : 8)
Example 9: Is he kidding? Is he goddamn kidding me?" Is this the kind of reaction the women in this
Activations: (" Is" : 8)
Example 10: able again where he needed to be walked around all the time. I just chalked it up to
Activations: (" again" : 6), (" where" : 8), (" needed" : 6), (" around" : 6), ("." : 6)
Example 11: hard as I want to ride him," Norman said. "I have no expectation for myself. I
Activations: (" ride" : 8)
Example 12: through a rough timeHe didn’t have good role models. These aren’t good excuses
Activations: ("…" : 8), ("." : 8)
Example 13: where he is coming from. He understands my views on things. But really, at this moment in
Activations: (" where" : 7), (" understands" : 8), (" But" : 6), (" really" : 6), ("," : 7)
Example 14: you breakfast, he's interested in something serious.
If he only wanted sex, then he would
Activations: ("," : 7), (" then" : 8)
Example 15: also need accuracy and right now he doesn't have it, right now he is not a good QB
Activations: (" now" : 8)
Example 16: by him, but as I got to know his writing and he got to know my art a bit
Activations: (" know" : 8)
Example 17: did knock off, you were talking in your sleep a lot. Pretty funny.”
“What was
Activations: (".”" : 8)
Example 18: fails, he tells himself that the game wasn't fair, the other side broke the rules, rig
Activations: ("," : 6), (" tells" : 7), (" that" : 8), (" game" : 5)
Example 19: he when he goes into his “Oxford Moods” where “he didn’t care if they
Activations: (" when" : 6), (" where" : 8)
Example 20: s been single all his life, and he’s almost 50 now. He’s never been
Activations: ("," : 6), (" and" : 8)

Top_logits: [' his', ' he', ' himself', ' him', ' He', ' His', 'his', 'His', 'He', 'himself']


(Part 1)
ACTIVATING TOKENS: "and", "And", "why", "love", "about", "if", "I", ",", "with", "Is", "again", "where", "needed", "around", ".", "want", "ride", "…", ".", "understands", "But", "really", "then", "now", "know", ".”", "fails", "tells", "that", "game", "when", "into", "and".

Step 1.
- The activating tokens are mostly conjunctions, prepositions, and pronouns.
- The previous tokens have no interesting patterns.

Step 2.
- The examples involve various sentence structures and word choices.
- The activating token is often a word that connects or relates to other parts of the sentence.

Step 3.
- The activation values are highest for the examples where the token is a conjunction or a pronoun.

Let me think carefully. Did I miss any patterns in the text examples? Are there any more linguistic similarities?
- Yes, I missed one: The activating token is often a function word, which has a grammatical function rather than carrying significant meaning.

(Part 2)
SIMILAR TOKENS: ['his', 'he', 'himself', 'him', 'He', 'His', 'his', 'His', 'He', 'himself'].
- The top logits list suggests a focus on pronouns related to the third person singular.

[EXPLANATION]: Function words, especially conjunctions and pronouns, that connect or relate to other parts of the sentence.


Function words, especially conjunctions and pronouns, that connect or relate to other parts of the sentence.


● Recall | ● Fuzz | # Distance
Green indicates a correct prediction, red incorrect. For recall, -1 indicates a non-activating example. For fuzzing, -1 indicates an incorrectly marked example.

<|endoftext|>ameer goes, this guy pins down, he curls, and then the second curl comes
Does he need to be taken for long walks every day? Ask about whatever you can think of and
not doing that. He invests his time and energy into kids and really does everything he can to
. Because we don’t know him well yet, we should be keeping a close eye on
he decided to partner up with him in exchange for him paying for the patent. That they did,
one sack in each of his last four games, and he's one of many reasons that the Rams
<|endoftext|> ago. I was enchanted with him then and soon he was making music with his musical
’t run at all and practically posed. While Masso’s alleged actions may have been
and tell people about Christ. Instead of being a leader and example to the flock, he is an
the past few years. He is optimistic due to the increased room sales for the local season.
a text notification which he can save for later reference. Relevance to Device Independence: Device independence
and hired him that same day…. and thank god for that. He truly is an amazing lawyer.
with respect: “They could be home, watching cartoons.” In “Pride,” set
essence of photographic man was eluding him, the key enchantment that made new adepts
and he won not only our affection, but also our trust. And with this trust he did
<|endoftext|> it was his lack of rehearsal, his thought he could do this in one take, that
true happiness?” The answer he receives may tell him that he must strive to be “well adjusted
thing is that these fake news articles are designed not only to get him to read more like them,
a higher coach and most because he can see the ownership in people, sometimes, when they may not
who he is, and most people in this country like that. A significant minority do not. It
beyond. At times, he even uses it as a punch line for jokes. At a panc
10 of his 13 games this year, and his average sits at.315. When you look at
have a criminal record that would disqualify him from purchasing the gun according to the report. According
at the 2017 IPL auction. He played only 3 games and his performance included 2 wickets at
and not he moved same band Adventures into argument( As You Like It and The Winter's Tale).
one and either pass or run. That's all he needed at Blinn College. Malzahn
all his alibis! The rocking back and forth of the grey Slow Roller As
“I’m saying...” he pauses. What is he saying? What about what Hannah
it back to himself. 5 The altar also was torn down, and the ashes poured out from
Look toward heaven” Jesus was moved Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I
Matt has his foot in a few doors, just holding them open. The artist leads a band
<|endoftext|>He's not afraid to drop back to pick up the ball, has a surprisingly good first touch
start of his next turn. In addition, any models with mega armour in his unit can run on
he had when he was a boy growing up in rural Thailand, he decides to purchase it and bring
's really good," Caragher says of Ervin. "He's got an eye for it."
<|endoftext|> in the reception room!” Had he come to turn himself in? Or had he come to
not react. One morning, the man was determined to do something that would irritate the Saint
fatter. Shorter. Or maybe just fatter. I don't know.
<|endoftext|> as a guy who'd make such demands, especially at 31. If he wants top-5
simplicef, and possibly allergy testing, then give him Probiotic pearls with his dinner
<|endoftext|> he did for me, but how He used me to accomplish His Will even during my weakest
over the last 12 months. He’s so happy, his tail is always wagging
ens. The frequencies hum too high, too low, so to elicit the perfect note he must hollow
if understandable, as he observes that he only brought Diggle and Felicity into his inner circle after
both winter steelhead fishing and winter trout fishing. Jon is a great friend of the chapter and provides
the Professional section of the book. Each of these diet pills from the examination of diet pills and weight
"Fuck you." It was a weak reply. His mouth was as dry as a bone, his
<|endoftext|> He doesn't twitch a muscle. "Godzilla's prettier cousin."
as assistant manager he wants to make sure she comes back after her leave. We are very proud of
road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. This cooled down his soul. Dear children of

duos to tell us to “slow it down.” Unspool your stresses and let the gorgeous
IPv4 to IPv6 on a piecemeal basis. Each host that switches over to IPv6 essentially
use the gift of speech to spread slander, calumny, and gossip; and go on
56.0 ||n.a. ||54.3 | |Alternative reference case:
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time. She uses adaptive technologies for the… View original post 1,231 more wordsWouldn
. “I was terrible at admin and photography so kept very little record of these early pieces.
anny in India. I also tried to confirm that there was, in fact, a Hyder
companies is being realized by the Financing Agency for Studies and Projects (FINEP), which helps
and may also include additional forward-looking statements concerning anticipated future events, results, circumstances, performance or
than ours, and I think he feels the same way. He's a key cog to an
<|endoftext|> all the earth. 7. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of
was surreal being so close to him, especially with portions of chicken being lowered between us, thankfully
, him sleeping sitting up while I drove and vice versa. The truck had no sleeper on it
documentation system. I had a great time at JSConf where I got to track down a new
and loved risking his life. He jumped from high places and climbed to higher places. He was
to take a look at his “To Do” list. In America, we have been brewing
a big gap between him and his team-mates, the physical condition will be a big gap,
its and de-crves a harc ol the public patronage..VI at
in several columns back then. I didn't feel that way because of his ailments. After
crying futilely against the uproar that Laodice was perishing. "Comfort
was needed back at the Watchtower and he needed a container for the necessary components, and will
under the guidance of his Captain, not only willingly, but gladly, rejoicing that he has been
it's kicking in doors"). Does he think he'll be cooking in Afghanistan? A derisory
<|endoftext|> line. And he said so. And then when Lane Kirkland died, who was the President
<|endoftext|> on to win five championships while Gordon hasn’t won any more. I asked him if there
He lived to see the first fractal shapes evolve out of the mathematical studies of Koch and Mandel
admittedly splendid baritone do his acting for him — though there were tantalizing flashes during Javert
dad, teacher, a friend’s grandmother and attempted to kill a classmate before getting caught.
extension to midfielder James Milner, who prefers to wait until he sees if his playing prospects improve."